Should a Christian be Politically Correct?
Winter 2017Sherri WilkesChristian. offend, darkness, death, glory, God, life, light, offended, PC, Peculiar People, Politically Correct, sin
The Road to Damascus
Which Way Will You Swim?
Come As You Are, But Don't Stay That Way
Summer 2016Brian BettesChange, come as you are, consequence, estrangement, family dinner, love, reconciliation, relationship, relationships, Repentance, standards
I Love that Dirty Water
I Will Praise You in this Storm
A New Beginning: What Not to Expect
David Freemanbaptism, baptize, commitment, David, expect, expectations, freeman, God, sin, time
What's Missing in Today's Leadership!
Spring 2016Jeremy BrownGod, govern, government, lead, leader, leadership, missing, money, servant, serve, service, shepherd
Six Keys to Change
Slow Starts
Spring 2016Kyle WilkesAspirations, bible, Christ, family, featured, Focus, goals, God, prayer, sabbath, scope, truth
Grow By Volunteering
The Foundation of Creation
Synergy and the Kingdom
Winter 2015Mike JamesChrist, family, featured, geese, God, Kingdom of God, prayer, relationships, salvation, spiritual family, together, unity
Sweeter than Honey; Stronger than a Lion
Health Found in All Areas of Life
Mistakes Are Not Always Bad
You Need to Set Goals
Of Swords and Faith
How My Son Helped Strengthen Me